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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First experience with Transit Cops

Tuesday – October 26, 2010 --- It has been an eventful morning today --- I got pulled over by the transit cops for not purchasing a ticket and it’s my luck they decided to do a random check – and then the transit officer got me thinking that we are in 2011 and the driver’s license (which I presented as a piece of ID) was expired. Luckily I didn’t have any previous transit offences so I got off with a warning instead of $176 ticket. I ended up purchasing the ticket and the humiliation of being stared at by people as if I killed someone was just another matter all together.

Now here I am at work with these invsalign in my teeth. My bottom jaw on the left side is killing me and I feel it’s because of the wisdom teeth. Have been debating with myself since the day I received these trays whether it was a good decision or not. Well let’s hope the pain diminishes with time because this is just too much… ahhh so don’t want to work but have to begin soon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Woman a strange creature

What is a woman? Is she a sum of mother, daughter, sister and wife or does she have her own identity as an individual. Every man out there tends to blame women for being controlling and demanding, however isn’t it true that a man is only controlled when he sees a personal benefit in that given situation. Most men tend to be controlled by their mothers, as mother is the provider, protector and appreciator of boy(s) (her boy(s)). Mother’s role is generally replaced by one’s wife or girlfriend (nowadays) and as mentioned by most writers “One woman is another woman’s worst enemy”. Battle of control begins between the mother and the new woman in a man’s life. Regardless who wins, a woman loses and the winner doesn’t even feel sorry for the defeat of its kind.

“The torment that so many young women know, bound hand and foot by love and motherhood, without having forgotten their former dreams.” Simone de Beauvoir

Women give up their dreams to ensure that the man they love fulfills his dream however no man ever acknowledges her sacrifices. As for centuries our world, which was ruled by men and is always biased towards men has molded our thinking to believe that women is there to please men. Most women till this day ensures all the dreams and desires of their man come true, regardless of the effect of those desires on herself. As said by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The man's desire is for the woman; but the woman's desire is rarely other than for the desire of the man.”

“Women are like dogs really. They love like dogs, a little insistently. And they like to fetch and carry and come back wistfully after hard words, and learn rather easily to carry a basket” Mary Roberts Rinehart

Women tend to give up a lot to receive a very little and yet they tend to find happiness in the little they have gained. Men on the other hand give nothing but ask for everything; nature of a man.

Man loves little and often: Woman loves much and rarely.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Religion - A path or war

Religion what is it? Other than the basic definition that is provided by Wikipedia what more is there to any religion. Is religion a cause of war or is religion a path to enter paradise or heaven, and be united so completely with God that the chasm between the human and the divine is dissolved.

All the major religions, such as Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism believes in Hell and they all do agree that there is only one God (although there might be a few people who will disagree and say Christianity doesn't believe in one God). Therefore, it can be confidently said that all religions are a path leading to the same destination and all the religions take different routes but the end goal is the same.

This being said, I tend to wonder why there is constant battling (verbal and physical) over religion?

If the end goal of all religion is the same then how can one religion be better than the other? No religion teaches to disrespect the other religion, neither does it teaches that one cannot be open to learn anything about the other religion. All the religions were created ages ago, isn't it possible that some of the rituals practiced today maybe more culturally related as oppose to religiously related.

All religions focus on being a good person, respecting others, be giving, and not to cheat or steal. Yet all these rules are broken by most of the religious extremists as they tend to be self-absorbed in the power (given by the followers) that they lead their blind followers to do act of inhumanity. How can this be considered part of religion, isn't religion suppose to bring everyone close, but it seems all religions, at different occasions, have done nothing else but cause rift between people throughout the world.

As suggested by many, all the religions are made by men, made for men and usually preached by men. So the chances of these normal men being manipulative and corrupt is very high. Power makes people blind and as the history has suggested people tend to misuse power to achieve and satisfy their personal goals, not community goals.

Monday, September 22, 2008


If anything I have learnt from my years of experience with family, boyfriend and friend is that love in one's life is always full of conditions. I tend to wonder if that is an actual love because love in every relationship should consist of no conditions. Isn't it true that one should be loved the way they are and one's flaws shouldn't shake the other person's love for him/her? All this unconditional love only tends to exists in movies, books or fantasies.

One is granted with the family they are born into, we are not allowed to pick and chose our family however we all do have the choice to pick the partner or boyfriend/girlfriend we desire to be involved in. Yet, that is easy said then done as there is an old saying, "Love is Blind" and usually women tend to be blinded by love much easily as when compared to men. There is a great quote by Barbara De Angelis, "A man's brain has a more difficult time shifting from thinking to feeling than a women's brain does."

Heart and love is a big joke in life that gives less pleasure and more pain. Love (unconditional love) forces one to bow down ensure the other person is happy, love makes one worry, loves makes one depressed.

If it wasn't for love this world will be far more bearable place to live.