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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Religion - A path or war

Religion what is it? Other than the basic definition that is provided by Wikipedia what more is there to any religion. Is religion a cause of war or is religion a path to enter paradise or heaven, and be united so completely with God that the chasm between the human and the divine is dissolved.

All the major religions, such as Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism believes in Hell and they all do agree that there is only one God (although there might be a few people who will disagree and say Christianity doesn't believe in one God). Therefore, it can be confidently said that all religions are a path leading to the same destination and all the religions take different routes but the end goal is the same.

This being said, I tend to wonder why there is constant battling (verbal and physical) over religion?

If the end goal of all religion is the same then how can one religion be better than the other? No religion teaches to disrespect the other religion, neither does it teaches that one cannot be open to learn anything about the other religion. All the religions were created ages ago, isn't it possible that some of the rituals practiced today maybe more culturally related as oppose to religiously related.

All religions focus on being a good person, respecting others, be giving, and not to cheat or steal. Yet all these rules are broken by most of the religious extremists as they tend to be self-absorbed in the power (given by the followers) that they lead their blind followers to do act of inhumanity. How can this be considered part of religion, isn't religion suppose to bring everyone close, but it seems all religions, at different occasions, have done nothing else but cause rift between people throughout the world.

As suggested by many, all the religions are made by men, made for men and usually preached by men. So the chances of these normal men being manipulative and corrupt is very high. Power makes people blind and as the history has suggested people tend to misuse power to achieve and satisfy their personal goals, not community goals.

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